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Why Can’t a Father and Son Get Along? | Sadhguru

is it necessary that every father and every son has to have some kind of angst this big man is occupying too much space and that man thinks this is my space and who's this this happens that there will be some friction and either the younger one goes out or the older one goes out it also happens between women in a different way but women have a way of covering their frictions in certain way [Music] when we talk about family satguru there are few things that have always intrigued me and i seek answers or rather validation from a higher energy such as yourself it's like i've always questioned why there's an organic distance between a father and son why there is always that angst in that relationship and i'm sure there are many in this house that have experienced that emotion in their own homes in their own environment where do you think the origin of that distance came because every generation makes the same mistake which means they're not learning at all when we say family you know in italy family meant crime crime yeah mafia was always referred to as the family family yes so in a way it's a kind of crime it is the most basic institution in the making of a society but it does not mean you must remain basic because this is a biological identity that we have biology is a reality we can't deny it obviously this was in some way at least to certain extent our parents gave this to us one part of it at least today the way it is the way it looks is essentially because of them well it was given to them by somebody else that's another point but to us it was given by them so it's a biological identity this limiting oneself to one's biological identity identity for an entire lifetime is is a crime because it creates so many things in this country this country has suffered a lot from a long time just now you release the mahabharata video entire mahabharata is family problem it is rashtra syndrome we are still suffering my son is best no matter what even today we are suffering the same thing my son is best and he should become the king no matter what it's not just very well so family is a basic identity that we are born with it's a wonderful thing when you're a child because without that family support you wouldn't be who you are today in many ways okay with all you respect and regard and great respect for the family because human creature is born in such a way that as soon as you fall out of your mother's womb you're not ready to get up on your feet and do things like other creatures it needs a long gestation period before a man becomes a man or a woman becomes a woman there is a long period which where the incubation of family is most important and vital there's no question about that but you're supposed to grow beyond that identity but a whole lot of people just never grow beyond that identity for which they suffer and sometimes if they're born in certain places they make the entire nation so far uh you are supposed to grow out of that as a child it's most vital that you're identified with the family but as an adult you're supposed to grow beyond your biology because biology is the most basic identity one has to grow beyond that so having said that is it necessary that every father and every son has to have some kind of angst it is not about father and son it is just two men being accommodated in the same home when you were 8 10 your father was godlike so this problem started after you became 15 16 when you want to be a man and there's not enough space this big man is occupying too much space and that man thinks this is my space and who's this they can't recognize each other as father and son because now there are there is no father and son there are two men in the same house and there's not enough space this happens not just in human families every creature whether it's an elephant or a buffalo or whatever in every creature's life this happens that there will be some friction and either the younger one goes out or the older one goes out this happens everywhere because this is not a problem between father and son this is two men trying to share the same space and the same woman called mother to one and wife to the other two men well that certainly breaks a very strong myth that this country is operated with because the problem was always meant to be two women uh in the same house and you just changed it on his head which i believe is true because i believe the problem lies the fact that two men can't believe no it also happens between women in a different way but women have a way of covering their frictions in a certain way they do it in a certain way in a feminine way men will do it in more head-on head-butting is the man's way woman's way is different she will do it differently but the fiction happens [Music] you

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