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Hear My Whisper in Your Heart | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

hear me my beloved child in the Silence of your heart where Whispers of doubt and fear often reside I am calling out to you this is not just any call it's a Divine invitation from me your creator your God it's time for us to Converse for you to share your deepest desires and questions and for me to listen and respond my words are not distant Echoes they are as close as your breath as intimate as your thoughts approach me in prayer align your spirit with mine and you will understand the depths of my wisdom and love I sought you out first even before you were aware of my existence finding me is not a strenuous task it's a gentle Journey of Faith call upon me and I will hear you cry out in your moments of need and I will answer but brace yourself for my response will be more wondrous than you could ever imagine I plan to bless you in ways that exceed your wildest dreams yet I ask for your trust and faith in me speak kindly of yourself for you are precious in my eyes you are my child created purposefully for such a time and place as this now I have a request for you stay focused do not be distracted and most importantly do not forget place your faith and trust in me even amidst the trials and tribulations you face you are never alone I have always been your protector your sustainer and your guide it is not too late heed my call for I'm speaking directly to you you can feel my presence can't you I yearn for your well-being and long to improve your circumstances seek my face and I will remove remove all that hinders you and blocks your path should you find yourself slightly astray kneel before me and I will set your path straight again distance yourself from malevolent friends those who seek to convince you of your inferiority those who fail to appreciate your true self and those who perpetually Endeavor to make you feel inferior these toxic companions do not serve your best interests if you part ways with them you shall not miss them for I shall bring beautiful individuals into your life with gentle spirits and nobler intentions prepare yourself for a forthcoming Miracle you shall soon receive Superior blessings I love you and I do not wish for you to stray from me if you distance yourself the conflicts of this life shall steal away your desire to live you are precious I pay PA a great price for you rescuing you with my own blood tearing you from the clutches of the enemy my presence dwells within your heart I have liberated you from the curse and Punishment I have never forsaken you nor have I abandoned you I am with you always return to me and you shall witness many things changing as you embrace the love I am imparting to you discard once and for all the hurtful words of those who belittled you understand that many envied your success and wished for your downfall aiming to destroy you but today you stand tall for I lifted you up with my mighty hand the time for weeping has come to an end you need not endure suffering I am speaking to your life I am granting healing and removing all painful emotions from your being starting today rivers of Living Water crystalline streams of Exquisite happiness immense emotional strength and unwavering thoughts shall flow from your heart your desires to progress and Triumph shall multiply in this very moment a time of significant transformation is upon you you will see and feel the Myriad changes unfolding in your life I call you to return to me and remain in my presence eternally I long to bless every aspect of your life your actions your dreams your giving and your receiving they will flourish and multiply under my blessings my desire is for you to worship me serve me and stay alert to my guidance in humility and surrender seek me for in such a posture I will Infuse you with wisdom making you a source of blessings for your family friends and Nation stay close to me for my love for you is unending endure a little longer for you are capable reflect on your journey the challenges you've overcome and the strength you found even when doubt and weakness seemed overwhelming I urge you stand firm persevere and persist I am with you in this journey after these trials our bond will strengthen and you will emerge more resilient than ever though you've questioned why I allowed certain trials and feared I had abandoned you no that is not so I have a grand purpose for you I intend to elevate you to bless you beyond measure the challenges you face are preparing you for greater things for remarkable blessings ahead cherish my words let them guide you avoid dwelling on unfounded fears or harboring resentment dedicate your time to me immerse yourself in my words of peace and strength let go of negativity and burdens that hinder your faith and understanding of my plans for you release yourself from past hurts and grievances even if you struggle to find words or desire to speak to me come as you are in silence if you must I am here to be with you in solitude to embrace you with love and understanding even when words fail you P know that I perceive the unspoken yearnings of your heart I know perfectly well what you are feeling trust me I have a new future in store for you great blessings are on the horizon anticipate them I love you in this journey you walk Let each step be a testament to your faith in me the world may present trials and tribulations but fear not for I have overc come the world in your weakest moments when you feel you cannot take another step remember it is in your weakness that my strength is made perfect you are like a precious gem refined and shaped through the pressures of Life each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a chance to shine brighter do not shy away from these moments for they are part of your unique Journey designed to bring out the best in you I I am the Potter and you are the clay Under My Loving Hands your life is being molded into a beautiful Masterpiece there may be times when the process feels uncomfortable even painful but trust in my design the outcome will be a work of art a life that reflects my glory and grace remember I am not only your God but also your loving father my plans for you are for good to give you a hope and a future when you feel lost or uncertain look to me I will guide your steps light your path and lead you to places beyond your imagination in your Journey of Faith be bold and courageous stand firm in what you believe for I am with you speak words of kindness act with love and extend Grace to others in doing so you become a beacon of my light in a world that often dwells in darkness remember that my love for you is unending a constant presence in your life in every Sunrise see my hope in every sunset find my peace you are never alone for I am always with you in your heart and by your side may you carry this message with you a reminder of my unfailing love and grace let it be a beacon in the dark a comfort in times of struggle and a source of joy in moments of Happy happiness now go f

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