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God Is Calling You To Fight By Faith | Inspirational & Motivational

when we're tossed to and fro through the waves of adversity this is when we should gear ourselves up to fight this is the time that we have to pray fast and study God's word in order to find peace in the midst of it so during those seasons in those moments when we feel overwhelmingly discouraged and without any strength to keep going this is the time that we must call out to God this is the time that we must seek strength from the Lord this is the time that we must cling on to the power of the Holy Ghost many Christians have the expectation that once they are saved life will be Blissful and filled with joy all the time this is obviously the wrong expectation to have it's simply not realistic so instead I encourage you to expect some challenges in life but expect to overcome through the Power in the Blood of Jesus expect to face a Goliath or two but also expect the might and power of the Holy Spirit to see you through expect to walk through the valley of the shadow of death but people of God you should also expect that the Good Shepherd will be looking out for you his rod and staff will be right there to provide you with comfort expect adversity expect the Lion's Den expect the Red Sea but expect Jesus Christ to deliver you out of each and every situation when Paul wrote his second letter to the Church of Corinth he had endured horrific events three shipwrecks he survived a stoning endured five lashings frequent imprisonments and three beatings all of this was enough for Paul to fall into depression and despair this was enough for Paul to be left discouraged under such pressure many Christians would have fallen into a pit of despair but I want you to see what the Bible says in second Corinthians 4 verse 8 to 9. we are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not abandoned struck down but not destroyed we may face battles and attacks in this world but we can trust in our Mighty God to be our shelter through it all I know that one way or another you will need help but here's the thing getting help from people it often comes with strings attached when someone helps you out it's not always for free it comes with the expectation of either you remember what I did for you or one day I might need your help so just remember this favor however I have good news there is a God who offers you help with no strings attached there is a God in heaven who will offer you Aid he will give you support without any pressure or any expectation that you could ever pay him back in fact David spoke about the help offered by God by saying in Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the Hills from where does my help come my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth in Exodus 14 verse 14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there is no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4 verse 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that meat this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises in God's word we are told that we will have to endure trials experience some pain and encounter some disappointments it's not what we like to hear think of it this way if God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son one who was pure holy and blameless only to then watch him carry all of the sins of this world and be crucified is that not a painful experience with everything that Jesus went through persecution the physical pain and torture who are we to then say to God why did you send me this disappointment in my life why did you let this event happen that made me feel some pain we need to get things in the right perspective We are following Christ We are following his example and we should be confident that despite everything he went through in the end he wins no second Timothy 2 verse 3 says you therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ now sometimes when Christians experience trials and distress there can be a tendency to despair for some they even fall into depression some of the Bible grace like David Abraham Moses all suffered some level of disappointment and deep despair and for the Christian man or woman listening today I want you to know that although you are not immune to disappointments there is a way to gain victory over mental anguish and emotional despair now while I could give something like five easy steps to a healthy emotional state during tough times let me instead tell you that there is only a single step that needs to be taken and that step is trusting in Jesus Christ relying on Jesus Christ and coming to a place where you say Lord my life is in your hands and you truly mean it of course one may now ask how do I do that and it's a good question the answer starts with knowing what the Bible teaches it's through the word of God and it's through prayer in those dark times that the Lord ministers to us breaks through any dark clouds of any depression or anxiety we face [Music] thank you

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