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Don’t Give Up | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

[Music] child don't give up because this journey is for the courageous I picked you on purpose to do something really important I'm making my plan clear walking with you every step of the way together we'll get through tough times jump over obstacles and beat the challenges we'll keep fighting never giving up because you're meant to do great things your being here isn't a coincidence I've had your name in my book since the very beginning way before you were born I've loved you from the start looking forward to the moment you'd see my Guiding Light you might start asking questions you've never thought of especially when you're going through tough times you might wonder where I was when you were hurting here's what I want you to know trust me I can heal your pain and make the hurtful past fade away my love is so strong that it has taken away all your mistakes and now I want to help you forget those sad memories too I don't want you to keep thinking about the past it only brings the hurt back and makes you feel worse what's important is that you're alive right now and there's a lot of good stuff coming your way dreams will come true you'll reach your goals see your family happy again and even feel as strong and energetic as you once did look forward where good things start growing and blessings happen get ready for an amazing new chapter in your life your heart is all set to take on new adventures and the happiness that comes from doing what you're meant to do forget about the old hurts they're gone and I've forgiven all your mistakes you don't owe anything anymore if some people don't accept you or forgive you it's time to find new friends who see your true value I don't want anyone to disrespect the kindness and freedom my spirit offers you shouldn't stick around in any situation that brings you down or embarrasses you listen to me alone and keep your freedom safe from those who misuse my words to control you you are free so step out of any situation that feels like a prison your kids need protection too leave such situations behind and you'll be grateful for this warning you'll see today how much I really care about you and how much you mean to me but if you decide to stay with those who don't treat you right remember you can't expect things to change without making a choice to step away do your part you are a wise and responsible person your life and and your family will continue to suffer as long as you remain trapped in a vicious cycle of pain and humiliation you do not deserve such suffering you are my child and I have paid for your sins with my own blood now I ask you what more shall I do for you ask me anything you desire call out to me and I will surely respond with wonders beyond your imagination but tell me will you believe in me I do not want you to remain in the same place leave your land and your relatives for the promised dream land where blessings rain down and provision Springs from the ground my dear child with all my affection I tell you you are special if only you could feel what I feel see yourself as I see you and understand this Supernatural World seeing yourself in the spiritual mirror you would know you would fall to your knees knees and thank me with your loyalty your time your smile your thoughts you would rise with a profound love for life and embark on Conquering the promised land I have for you break those bonds that restrain you for you are fortified with the courage my voice instills in your soul you would finally understand that you are already victorious in all things through my sacrifice and Resurrection my doors are always open just come and talk to me with a thankful and humble heart I'll show you love in a way only I can come and sit next to me look in my direction with your faith filled eyes you're incredibly blessed and have full access to my strength all that I have is yours just as I've promised and written down ask and you shall receive I will nourish you with sweetness and the best Prov Visions don't lose heart or feel down for you have an important role to play my love for you is so vast and deep it's more than you can grasp right now but trust in it feel it and walk by faith knowing I never deceive and I'm always with you from the bottom of my heart I tell you I love you deeply and wish no more pain for you I see the tough times you're enduring feeling like you're running out of strength you try to hide your pain aiming to look strong yet I understand you more than you understand yourself you might fool the mirror but I see your true self your spirit your heart even if you're courageous come and share with me what's holding you back from discussing your worries I will catch every tear and raise you up stop doubting give me your worries and I'll bear them for you being my child comes with many blessings and wonders that will touch you and your family profoundly you'll feel Joy and contentment as my promises come to life in you I'll never leave your side my angels will watch over you keeping you safe each morning reach out to me pray and you'll notice how blessed your day becomes filled with my gentle love keeping you at peace should an unexpected difficulty arise simply converse with me and I shall illuminate your path enabling you to make the right decision I shall impart upon you the necessary wisdom and offer signs to guide you ensuring your certainty in the direction to take rest assured I have always sought the best for you because you deserve it as long as your heart remains loyal to me and brims with good intentions ask ask and it shall be given to you according to my will you are a child of the omnipotent God and Faithfully I Am with You therefore none can stand against you or cause you harm with love I guide you every step of the way walking alongside you I open New Paths for you and everything you do in my name will be blessed you will experience abundance and success in your Endeavors with me by your side your dreams and plans will Thrive because only I can see and determine your future your family will be blessed and your efforts will bear fruit for I your almighty God am always with you Misfortune will not reach your home for my presence surrounds you warding off harmful Spirits serious illnesses difficulties hate and bitterness your family is is under the Divine protection of my Holy Spirit I've given you my promise of faithfulness and so it shall stand forever remember your faith should be as strong as a mustard seed which though tiny grows into the largest of trees so it is with you and I know how high you will rise my word is so powerful that if you were to command mountains to move in my name they would obey never doubt me for I am the only faithful God no matter what happens I will never leave you alone I will love you eternally don't forget I know every part of you your feelings thoughts and deeds thus I know you deserve all the love I have to offer no one knows you better than I do for I am the one 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